Secure seasonal workers fast
Imagine a list of signed up jobseekers, ready to work. No more paperwork, no more unnecessary phone calls or meetings—just workers ready to be scheduled. PICMI is designed for seasonal hiring, so you can set those few key criteria which check that job seekers are the right fit. If you need workers signed up fast, PICMI’s got you covered.
Reduce time to hire by 70%
Make your job their first choice
With the PICMI instant end-to-end application process, a job seekers’ fit is checked as they go making it easy for them to say, ‘yes’. With PICMI, only collect the information that matters while giving job seekers more information about the job.

Have job seekers instantly screened and know where they stand

Customise your end-to-to screening process

Eliminate interviewing and scheduling nightmares

Remove your paperwork and have a record of all personal information and contracts

Job applications
Customise applications in minutes
PICMI has a library of standard workflows and employment contracts that can be used either out of the box or they can be extended.
Include your own induction materials, including videoes
Collect all necessary personal details and declarations
Add your own contracts with the ability to substitute text from responses
Use a single application flow across multiple listings
Get job seekers from apply to accept in under an hour
Go all in with our open “straight-through” or stick with our controlled “goodbye paperwork” option. Either way, watch the contracts come in (or be declined—either way, knowing is good). Once the job seeker completes all the information required to make a decision, they can accept and be issued an employment contract.

Compliance & Payroll
Stand alone or connect seamlessly
Be connected to your data and let other systems be connected to your data. You can manage your applications from go to whoa with PICMI. It doesn’t matter if they have just one job or many, keep track of and access contracts and personal details.
We also have customers who need to integrate this data into their existing time sheeting, payroll, HR or on-orchard systems.
All the metrics you need, none you don't.
PICMI is designed specifically for seasonal workers to ensure that you have enough people on site. No bloated feature sets—just fast, streamlined dashboards for day-to-day work. Perfect for the burst of workers: customisable buckets, instantly updated application statuses and easily accessible personal details.