Before & After
We asked our customers what seasonal hiring was like before they used PICMI. And how it's improved after switching to PICMI. What a difference.
Before switching to PICMI
"We were just wasting so much time to get the workers here. We wanted to be spending that time out training them and picking. Nobody was making money with this process."
Mark Ballantyne, Pro Kiwi
"All the photocopying, sign-here stickers and chasing people up for information."
Michelle Reekie, Reekie Trust
"So much paper, photocopying and explaining!"
Michaela Horcinova, Southern Cross Horticulture
"Hours and hours of paperwork."
Gretchen McNally, Strode Road Orchards
"Normally in the Spring school holidays I am running around like a mad thing spending hours on my computer toing and froing."
Gretchen McNally, Strode Road Orchards
"Waiting for jobseekers to come into the office and getting all the paperwork ready. Then they wouldn't show up."
Michelle Reekie, Reekie Trust
"Setting up payroll for everyone is a huge, huge job - hours and hours of work."
Gretchen McNally, Strode Road Orchards
"We were thinking about employing an extra person to look after the recruitment this season. PICMI now does it for us."
Kris Robb, Clyde Orchards
"For inductions, it's not so bad if you sit down and do 20 at once, but then you get 2 more come on and then another 3 come on and every day you are hearing the same induction and hearing my voice over and over again."
Maree Denniston, Central Organics
"People are applying to 10 different places and if you don't hire them quickly, they're going to the person who responds first."
Mark Ballantyne, Pro Kiwi

After switching to PICMI
"PICMI is really helping us attract the calibre of people we need and want."
Gretchen McNally, Strode Road Orchards
"Using PICMI means that I can get out in the orchard instead of being stuck in the office. PICMI makes us work smarter, not harder."
Kris Robb, Clyde Orchards
"I now rely on PICMI. I know its always there when we need to hire regardless of the time of day or volume of staff we need. All the information I need under one umbrella and easy to access."
Michaela Horcinova, Southern Cross Horticulture
"It felt like we were probably throwing a few curveballs at you here and there and you were smacking it out of the park every time."
Mark Ballantyne, Pro Kiwi
"PICMI lets me know who's signed the contracts, the size of the team and if we have hit our numbers. It's super simple to keep track of where I am at and it means I can move onto the next job."
Gretchen McNally, Strode Road Orchards
"I didn't expect that our returnees would find using PICMI that easy. The ones I thought might have had trouble did it really easily and I didn't need to help them. They aren’t that tech savvy and I was surprised."
Maree Denniston, Central Organics
"I now rely on PICMI. I know its always there when we need to hire regardless of the time of day or volume of staff we need. All the information I need under one umbrella and easy to access."
Michaela Horcinova, Southern Cross Horticulture
"I know that if we are ever audited that I can easily access the information I need from PICMI."
Michaela Horcinova, Southern Cross Horticulture
"Passing the information to payroll is much easier and faster. We won't be going back to doing this manually."
Michaela Horcinova, Southern Cross Horticulture
"Everyone using PICMI has found it easy to understand and they say it's really simple to use."
Kris Robb, Clyde Orchards
"If we get to a point where a couple of workers drop off, or we need to hire more - it's been really easy to just flip the PICMI switch, hire and then move on."
Mark Ballantyne, Pro Kiwi
"PICMI is really easy for jobseekers to use. I've forgotten how hard it used to be for us. Now I just send the email (from the couch!) and then check in the morning. That's it."
Michelle Reekie, Reekie Trust
"With PICMI I know I’ve got everything I need in one place and I've saved hours and hours of paperwork."
Gretchen McNally, Strode Road Orchards
"PICMI has simplified my life. I know the bank account and IRD information I am receiving is correct and its all in the one place."
Jo Mayston, Bruntwood Farms
"With PICMI I have all the information there waiting and I can just send that to our payroll. Saving me hours and hours and hours of work. That's another bonus."
Gretchen McNally, Strode Road Orchards
"We've hired 40 people in the last two weeks and there is no way we could have done this without PICMI."
Michaela Horcinova, Southern Cross Horticulture
"PICMI means we are compliant without the extra effort. In PICMI we have a record to show each of our employees have completed induction, provided us with their personal information and signed employment contacts."
Michaela Horcinova, Southern Cross Horticulture
"We’ve always had to tick all of the boxes to make sure we are global GAP compliant but PICMI makes it so much easier. We can access the relevant information we need to prove our employees have completed inductions, accepted health and safety requirements and signed contracts. Our assessor was really impressed with our systems."
Michaela Horcinova, Southern Cross Horticulture
"PICMI’s has given us security and we can now be proactive. It's a really good feeling knowing that we have the staff we need across the different peaks and troughs. Everything is laid out and we can see where we need to target our recruitment so we can get what we need."
Kris Robb, Clyde Orchards
"PICMI gives jobseekers the confidence they need. They have signed contracts and PICMI lets them know they have a job waiting for them. We've had great feedback."
Gretchen McNally, Strode Road Orchards
"Our inductions are now all online and people just need to turn up. It's great."
Michelle Reekie, Reekie Trust
"The biggest thing for me is knowing that they have done their induction and signed their contract before they come."
Maree Denniston, Central Organics
"Now I can just lock in with someone and send out the link and boom it's done. And I get to spend the Spring school holidays with my kids."
Gretchen McNally, Strode Road Orchards
"It’s hard to imagine us going back to all the paper contracts and how we used to do things."
Mark Ballantyne, Pro Kiwi
"Our employment process is so much faster since we've been using PICMI. We've moved our entire hiring process online, I don't have to run physical inductions anymore and everything is documented and saved in one place. It's saved us a lot of time."
Michaela Horcinova, Southern Cross Horticulture
"I can log into PICMI at work and at home and all the information I need is in the one place."
Michaela Horcinova, Southern Cross Horticulture
"Without PICMI I wouldn't have be able to employ 50 people in 15 days. It would have taken me around 3 weeks to do that. With PICMI we've hired the volume of staff we need and I've been able to do the rest of my job as well. Its a massive time saver."
Michaela Horcinova, Southern Cross Horticulture
"PICMI has taken us from paper based system to all online. It’s cut down our admin and we have a collated view and can easily track how many staff we have. The platform is easy understand, just makes sense and helps us make better decisions."
Kris Robb, Clyde Orchards